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Anna Wellness offers high quality beauty products and fragrances. Our textures and fragrances are inspired by the analytical, quality and regulatory departments. Using Anna product is always a moment of well-being and sensory delight The growing, harvesting, drying and storage conditions all have an impact on the purity of the plant materials. We guarantee their quality through specifications that are drawn up with our analytical, quality and regulatory departments, and with the help of our technical partners on the ground. Our key ingredients are, for the most part, organically derived, to guarantee the absence of chemical inputs. The harvesting of wild plants is governed by sustainable harvesting guidelines, to protect the integrity and habitat of these plants.

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To help protect biodiversity, our products are developed as sustainably as possible. Every drop of the organic Immortelle essential oil that powers your favorite Immortelle Divine skincare is traceable to the local farmers in USA. They share our values, and we value their partnership.

We provide you with a simple pathway to lead your own business the way you choose to, with the full support of a successful global brand. Together, we’ll focus on impactful beauty & wellbeing, meeting you where you are and providing you with the entrepreneurship opportunity to achieve your full potential, all while helping yourself & others fully embrace their natural beauty and self-care.

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